SCHMIDT, P., JANLE, P., Institut f. Geo-

physik, Univ. Kiel, 24098 Kiel, Germany


First of all, we define independent of ori-

gin any volcanic region that is distinct

from its surroundings a hot spot. Hot spots

can occur on-ridge, off-ridge and intra-

plate. Hot spots that can be associated

with mantle plumes are called mantle-plume-

hot-spots. Regional swells capped with ba-

saltic volcanism, progressive aged sea-

mounts and petrological constraints refer

to a mantle-plume-hot-spot.


In order to classify the hot spots, a

number of hot-spot-catalogues have been

considered. The hot-spot-distribution has

been studied by developing a density func-

tion that uses the distance to the closest

hot-spot-location. Correlations to geoid

and gravity have been evaluated.


We see different hot-spot-types that can

be related to specific geographical re-

gions. Mantle-plume-hot-spots only occur in

the Afro-Atlantic and in the Pacific areas

and are often related to large igneous pro-

vinces. Intraplate-stress-hot-spots can be

found in the hinterland of folded mountain

ranges of subduction areas and in areas of

terrane accretion as postorogenic alkalic

centers. Moreover, there are intraplate-

stress-hot-spots due to fault clustering.

Other classes include riftogene hot spots

and thermal anomalies.



PhD Thesis in German


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